What is a QC?

A QC (or Quality Check) is an additional service we offer on all footwear/apparel items for R100 which allows us to send you detailed pictures of the shoes/clothing once they’re sourced, before our supplier exports them from their country in order for you to review the exact item that you will be receiving in a detailed manner in order to give us the go-ahead before we get it shipped. This gives you the opportunity to validify that the product is of 1:1 quality, and ask for an exchange on the item if you find a valid reason or flaw in the product that would deem it necessary. Please note that a QC can add up to 2-4 additional days to your shipping time.

Why is a QC needed?

In order to ensure the best and highest end quality on all our apparel items, they are imported on order for our customers. Due to these circumstances and high international/return costs, we unfortunately, do not offer exchanges or returns unless under valid or extenuating circumstances. Having a QC before the product leaves the origin country allows you to ask for an exchange if there is something you’re not happy with, as sometimes (albeit rarely) 1 or 2 items in the batch may be flawed and it would be better to take a different sample.

Different levels of quality

When it comes to fashion replicas, there is usually 3 different levels of quality made for each item, as explained below:

  1. 1:1 Quality. These are the best if the best quality items. They are imported, and very close or perfectly identical to the retail and authentic items. Clothes can usually not be told apart from retail, and shoes can only be idetified if very closely inspected by a highly experienced or verified expert.
  2. AAA Quality. These are slightly lower quality items from the 1:1. Few differences to retail/authentic, and more easily to identify by any individual through direct comparisons or internet references.
  3. AA Quality. Not very good quality. Shape is usually off, can be very easily identified, and able to be spotted by most individuals. Usually the type of shoes found at China Malls or local online replica sneaker stores.

Although most of the time the quality level can be identified through the price, some online sellers claim to be selling a higher quality level than they actually are in order to get more profits. Be wary of this and make sure to always ask for pictures of exact items that have been sold by them, as well as getting reviews.

At Footballers SA, we pride ourselves in only selling the 1:1 quality level on all our items. Please feel free to contact our team to view detailed images of past items we have sourced to verify the quality level, as well as to ask any queries you may have. We are always here to help.